Revival of Lead Magnet

this could make or break your business (don't miss the offer)

You’ve probably noticed it already.

Lead magnets just don’t work like they used to.

Free PDFs? No one cares.

VSLs? Ghost town.

And opt-in rates?

They’re going down faster than my 3-year-old’s patience at dinner time.

Meanwhile, ad costs?

Skyrocketing faster than she can climb the furniture (she’s pretty good at it, by the way).

I know you’ve seen the same thing.

Your lead costs are creeping up, and cold outreach?

Let’s just say it’s getting as hard as trying to get a toddler to sit still for 5 minutes.

So, what are we supposed to do?

Sit around, cross our fingers, and hope that the “lead magnet gods” bless us?

Hell no.

We’re entrepreneurs, founders, and slightly crazy marketers.

We figure this stuff out.

That’s exactly why I created something that helped me flip the script on lead generation.

It’s been a total game-changer.

Let me break it down:

I had this one opt-in page that used to kill it—like a solid 25% conversion rate.

Then out of nowhere, it dropped to 17%. I’m over here like, what just happened?

So, I switched gears.

I tested this new AI-Powered Lead Magnet I’d been working on.


Opt-in rate went up to 28% overnight.


And here’s why: this isn’t your typical lead magnet.

It doesn’t sit around collecting dust like some boring PDF.

It’s fast, it’s personalized, and it gives every single lead a tailored solution to their problem within seconds.

And people actually engage with it.

No more wasting weeks on content that no one reads.

No more filming and editing videos till you’re blue in the face.

Just set it up, run some traffic—whether it’s ads or cold outreach—and you’re good to go.

So, let me ask you one important question…

If you could increase the number of leads dramatically…

Then, would that make any difference in your business or your life?

You know the answer to it better than me.

Don’t you?

You see, if you are a true entrepreneur, salesman, or marketer then…

You must know this simple equation 👇

More Leads = Healthy Pipeline = Packed Calendar = More Customers.

Because, whether it’s your personal life or business…

Everything is a numbers game.

Isn’t it?

And, the more you get…

The more abundant your life becomes.

But, timing also plays a critical role in everything.

Because if you don’t act at the right moment and think ahead, you will stay average.

And, get the same results.

And, who wants to be average?

Not me. Do you?

So, you need to be the first to take advantage of innovations and put the competition years behind.

And that’s why…

I want to give you an offer that you can’t refuse.

I will give you a lifetime deal with a whopping up to 83% discount.

Here’s how it will work:

I am running a special deal for my email list.

Where you will lock in your yearly plan forever at up to 83% discount.

And, you never have to pay anything extra even if we increase the price of the software in the future.

So you will get the $297/mo plan for only $49.50/mo, paid annually → $2,970 off

Or the $97/mo plan for only $24.50/mo, paid annually → $873 off

Or the $49/mo plan for only $16.33/mo, paid annually → $392 off

And, you can keep the same price forever while converting and generating more and more leads to grow your business to the moon.

But, you have to be quick since I don’t want to discount my software.

Only the first 50 action-takers will get this special deal as a launch gift of LeadMagnets.

So, be quick and click here right now and get this special deal.

I have around 11,977 people on my email list. So if it sells out then don’t come to me and say “Patrick I need the special Launch deal”.

If you’re curious how to get the deal then…

First, register for a trial of LeadMagnets and then reply to me here saying something like…

“Patrick, send me the discount code for x plan.”

And, I will send it to you.

Along with that…

I will also help you with the setup and all.

So that you don’t get overwhelmed with this new thing.

But, there is nothing to be overwhelmed with since it’s similar to using ChatGPT.

But again, I’m here to help you create really powerful lead magnets for your business that will outperform every other lead magnet that you’ve tried till now!

Sounds good?

Alright, then…

Regiseter for a free trial and grab this special deal right now.

Seriously, don’t let this be another thing you put off.

Try it out, and thank me later. :)

Patrick Spielmann &

P.S. I did a webinar on how AI Lead Magnets can help you beat all of your old lead magnets in my launch event. Click here to watch it. This offer in the email is BETTER than the webinar offer.

P.P.S. If you want us to help you with implementing this new highly converting AI Lead Magnet for your business, register for a trial, get your deal, then submit a ticket in the software to book a call with me personally.


or to participate.